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MeeraMay 12, 2020 12:00:00 AM1 min read

Clicks Per Unique Opens - What are they?

Ultimately, the goal of any email marketing campaign is a click. Click Rates and Clicks per Unique Opens give a fair idea about your subscriber and the way they have engaged with your email campaign.

Let’s see it in more detail.

Click Rates are the percentage of subscribers who had clicked on a link or an image within your campaign. This metric tells whether your campaign was engaging or not.

Click Rate = No. of clicks / No. of emails delivered * 100

Click per Unique Open rate gives you the percentage of unique subscribers who opened your campaign and clicked on the link inside, at least once.

Gain a better understanding of unique open rates and why they are important, and other email marketing KPIs, here.

Clicks per Unique opens formula

For example, if you have sent 1000 emails and have 500 unique opens and 300 clicks. Let’s assume that out of 300 clicks 100 are unique clicks. Then your click rate is 30% and clicks per Unique open rate is 20%.

Clicks per unique opens report

A number of factors like a subject line, email copy, and placement of the call to action affect your Clicks per Unique Opens. A higher unique open rate does not guarantee a high click per unique open rate. Let’s say your subject line was catchy leading to a good open rate. But if the copy of the CTA inside is not relevant then you may end up with a poor click per unique open.

Track your Clicks per Unique Open Rate and increase it by sending your email campaigns through SendX.