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Mayank AgarwalOct 6, 2021 9:13:30 PM2 min read

Create Your First Pop-Up

A Step-By-Step Guide To Creating Your First Pop-Up In SendX.

In this guide, you will create your first popup, and display that popup on your web page. We will be covering:

  • Introduction to Pop-Ups
  • Creating a New Pop-Up From Scratch
  • Customizing the content of the pop-up
  • Setting the Pop-Up to suitably display on your website

Introduction to Pop-Ups

A Pop-Up is a gateway through which a viewer of your content becomes a subscriber aka a lead. A Pop-Up usually contains a free or a very low cost offer which the viewers might be interested in, and would want to give his email (and any other contact details) in return for that offer. After an email is successfully received by SendX, the viewer becomes a lead.

Creating a New Pop-Up From Scratch

The first thing we need to do is create a New Pop-Up to display on our webpage(s) of choice. Go to Forms +Pop-ups page > New Pop-ups . In this Knowledge Base Article, we will be making a Pop-Up with name "Newsletter Signup", set to "Email Collect" for capturing leads.

New Pop-Up From Scratch page

Choosing a Pop-up Template.

Here you can choose a "Pop-up Template" for your emails.

a Pop-up Template. page

Customizing the content of the pop-up.

What you write, and present on your pop-up is what will be the ultimate deciding factor for whether the viewer will give his contact information or not.You can customize and write a specific message for your reader inside the Content tab.You get a option of editing the colours of the contents, By just clicking on the symbol given under every contentAdd a Title and a Description to present your offer.Use the Button Text field, to add a specific Call To Action message for the user.Add a suitable image to enhance the visual appeal by clicking on 'Upload Image'.

content of the pop-up page

Setting the Pop-up to display suitably on your website

You can set your pop-up up to display according to specific user behaviour on your webpages under the Behaviour tab. Another way to set them up is to define specific rules, according to what links you want to display the pop-up on under the Targeting tab.Under Display Condition, set the pop-up to display When user has spent at least time (5) seconds, set Frequency to 'Every New Browser Session' and Stop displaying popup when user has completed action successfully.

display suitably on your website page

So the next step will be Targeting, where you can  control the Pop-ups for your particular contacts and where to use it. Here you can cutomise Pop-ups according to you.

Targeting page

Click Submit when you're done. Now the Pop-Up that you created will get displayed on every webpage of yours after the user has spent 5 seconds on it.

Submit  page

Give yourself a pat on the back as now you're well on your way to collecting leads for your business. These leads are the most important long term assets to your business!


Mayank Agarwal

Mayank is an email marketing expert & co-founder of SendX. SendX is an intuitive & affordable email marketing software.