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Email CRO
Andre OentoroNov 29, 2023 7:28:27 AM7 min read

5 Tips to Optimize Conversion Rate for Your Email Campaigns

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is essential to turn people from just looking at your emails into actually doing something, like buying your product or clicking on your link. It's more than writing compelling emails and understanding your audience.

According to a report, people sent and received over 300 billion emails on a daily basis. With such a huge number, it's highly possible that your email gets lost in a big pile of other messages. That's why optimizing your email for conversion matters. 

We've listed some CRO tips to help you enhance your email marketing campaign. We also hand-picked powerful tools to stay effective in a fast-paced digital industry.

1. Segment Your Email List

Segmentation is crucial before blasting an email to your recipients. Instead of sending the same message to everyone, you categorize your email list into smaller groups based on specific groupings.

For instance, marketers typically segment their recipients based on what people like, what they've bought before, or where they're from. This strategy makes it easier to send messages that really speak to each group.

One of the easiest ways to segment your email audiences is by categorizing them according to preferences, behaviors, and demographics. In fact, people like things that feel personalized to them.

  • Preferences: Segmenting recipients based on what they like, such as grouping people who like shoes, bags, or hats. You can send them emails about what they love.
  • Behavior: If someone always opens your emails about sales but ignores the ones about new products, you can send them more of what they like.
  • Demographics: Typically segmenting recipients based on age. If you have a product for young people and another for older folks, you can send different messages to each age group.

When your email talks about something recipients are interested in, they're more likely to pay attention. Email segmentation creates a more personal conversation, which is more effective in driving conversions.

2. Craft Compelling Subject Lines and Pre-headers

When it comes to email, first impression matters. Recipients first see an email subject and pre-header in their inboxes. An attention-grabbing line can encourage recipients to open your email and significantly impact open rates.

People are more likely to open emails that spark their curiosity or offer something valuable. A good subject line and pre-header provide clarity about the email's content. Recipients should know what to expect when they open the email.

Keep your subject and pre-header lines concise and clear. Typically, they include persuasive words, creating a sense of urgency or exclusivity.

Subject lines and pre-headers can be persuasive, creating a sense of urgency or exclusivity. This encourages recipients to take action. Make people feel like they're getting something special, like "Hey, I want to know more about this!" or "Special Discount on the Product You Love."

Crafting subject lines and pre-headers needs a delicate balance between capturing attention and delivering a clear message. You can align your language style with audiences, whether to use a formal, casual, or conversational tone.

3. Responsive and User-Friendly Design

If you add an infographic, an image, or an explainer video to your email, ensure it doesn't hinder the page load. Check if your email can load properly and if photos or videos are responsive upon clicking. Ensuring responsiveness is a way to enhance customer experience.

Moreover, with most people checking their emails on mobile devices, your email must adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes. Consistent and enjoyable viewing experiences, whether on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone, are crucial to driving audiences to do the desired action.

Meanwhile, to embrace a user-friendly design, you may need to consider the aesthetics matter. A visually appealing email captures attention and enhances the overall user experience. Opt for clear, concise layouts that are easy to scan by recipients.

4. Optimize CTA Buttons

Before designing your CTA button, you must define the goal you want to achieve. Use language that compels action, such as "Shop Now," "Learn More," or "Get Started." Be short, clear, and concise about what will happen when the button is clicked.

Once you decide your goal, optimize your CTA with an eye-catching button. You must also optimize it by ensuring it's noticeable within the email body. You can use a contrasting color that stands out from the background.

Position your CTA buttons prominently within the email, especially near the top, where they're easily visible. If your email is lengthy, consider repeating the CTA strategically to ensure it remains accessible as recipients scroll.

5. A/B Testing and Data Analysis

The path to email perfection needs continuous improvement through testing and analysis. Here, consider performing A/B testing, data analysis, and content refinement based on data to fine-tune your email marketing strategy.

When conducting an A/B test, you experiment with different elements of your emails. You may create variations of certain elements (like subject lines, CTA buttons, images, or content) and send them to different audience segments to identify what resonates best.

Once the tests are complete, analyze the results. Look at open rates, click-through rates, and other relevant metrics. Identify patterns and understand which elements had the most significant impact on engagement.

Continue refining your future campaigns. Implement changes based on what you've learned about your audience's preferences. This iterative process ensures that each email campaign is an improvement on the last, steadily increasing effectiveness over time.

Tools for Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

The role of advanced tools is highly valuable to help you enhance email performance and optimize conversion rates. Along with the above CRO tips, we also curated four effective email marketing tools to drive success.


The first option is SendX. It's also an email marketing platform known for its intuitive interface and features. It offers automation, a landing page builder, and a drag-and-drop editor. With its features, simplifying email campaigns is a breeze.

SendX offers automation features where you can create emails and nurture leads over time. You can also use its segmentation for dividing your target customers based on specific factors.

Key Capabilities

  • Create automated drip campaigns to nurture leads over time.
  • Divide your subscribers into segments for more personalized communication.
  • Easily design emails without the need for coding skills.
  • Provide A/B Testing to test different elements of your campaigns to optimize performance.
  • Easy integration with popular tools like Zapier, WordPress, and more.


Mailchimp is a famous player and widely used tool for email marketing. Many marketers use its features for creating, sending, and analyzing email campaigns.

Some valuable features are customizable templates, audience segmentation, and email analytics. It can also help you perform market segmentation without hassle.

Key Capabilities

  • Create and send customized email campaigns.
  • Offer various ready-to-use templates.
  • Perform automated email sequences based on user behavior or triggers.
  • Track the key performance of your campaigns with detailed analytics and reports.
  • Segment audiences into groups for more targeted campaigns.
  • Integrate with various third-party apps and platforms.


In case you need to create a landing page, Unbounce is an easy tool to leverage. It's a landing page builder designed to create customized landing pages for any marketing campaign.

A well-crafted landing page can complement your email marketing efforts by providing a platform to drive conversions. Some notable features include a drag-and-drop builder. This feature can help you develop a landing page using a user-friendly editor without coding.

Key Capabilities

  • A/B testing for testing different variations of your landing pages to optimize for conversions.
  • Encourage responsive design. Ensure your landing pages look good on various devices.
  • Provide integration with email marketing tools and other platforms for a seamless workflow.


GetID is a platform to help you understand your customers more deeply. Known as a global KYC (Know Your Customer) platform, it enables you to understand customers and verify their information.

GetID also offers identity verification processes for businesses, especially those in fintech, banking, e-commerce, and other industries. Regarding email marketing, you can check if your email lists are active and according to customer profiles.

Key Capabilities

  • Validates and authenticates identity documents.
  • Conducts thorough identity checks against various databases.
  • Offers flexible solutions to integrate identity verification processes.


Email marketing is a classic yet timeless strategy for businesses of all fields. It's free and effective for nurturing leads, drive conversions, and build loyalty. The first key to success is to make your recipients open your email in the first place.

Therefore, CRO tips like audience segmentations and email subject optimizations are crucial. They're the foundations for a successful effort as you implement personalization into your content to build conversations with prospects.

However, manually executing email marketing can be exhausting and time-consuming. The role of advanced tools like Mail Chimp, SendX, and Clearbit can help you save countless hours while maintaining productivity at your fingertips.

Make Your Email Marketing Profitable


Andre Oentoro

Andre Oentoro is the founder of Breadnbeyond, an award-winning explainer video company. He helps businesses increase conversion rates, close more sales, & get positive ROI from explainer videos.