How to send campaign emails via Automation

A quick guide to sending campaign emails via automation.

  • First and foremost we have to create a campaign. To create a campaign you can refer here.

  • Add the contents to the campaign email and submit the email. The next step would be to set up the automation.

  • Select Automation. Click on New Automation to create a new automation.

  • Add a name for the automation and set up the trigger for which you want the action to be completed.

  • In the Trigger section, you can choose the trigger you want to set for the campaign email to be sent. Here I have added the trigger as contact added via popup and mentioned the popup name.

  • The corresponding action is to send the campaign and choose the campaign which has to be sent via automation.

  • There is an option for when to schedule the campaign email.

  • You can choose to schedule the email among the different options available.

Thus you can send campaign emails via Automation.


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